Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Endangered Brains: How Chemicals Threaten Our Future - Kaye Kilburn

endangered brains: how chemicals threaten our future - kaye kilburn
endangered brains: how chemicals threaten our future - kaye kilburn

This book tells how familiar chemicals threaten your brain and mind and what to do. Our brains are not secure from harm, that is a myth. Our brains are threatened by chemicals thought to be “better things for better living”. Chemicals are integral to modern life often convenient but rarely essential. Chemicals at home, supermarket, office and school are accepted blindly and rarely considered harmful. Yet certain chemicals breach the brain’s defenses, the bony skull and the blood brain barrier, to cause damage. Most temporary damage is not troublesome. Harmful effects are permanent and resemble premature aging. An accelerated schedule of growing old.

Chemicals that disturb breathing to cause asthma also frequently damage brains. These chemicals are encountered everyday as insecticides, fertilizers, cleaning aids, sanitizers, rotten egg gas (in natural gas and petroleum), diesel fuel combustion products, plastics, organic solvents and the oils that won’t burn, PCBs.

We are most concerned with chemicals that invade the brain from the lung after we inhale them. Harm occurs at home. Homes are not safe because of toxic material used in construction, decorating and cleaning and to protect it from insects and microbes. Many homes are in neighborhoods near petrochemical refining sites that make oil and gas into useful and dangerous products.

The brain is complex but enough of its functions can be measured to survey it. Measurements of several brain functions, balance, vision, reaction time, problem solving and recall, provide sensitive recognition of impairment by chemicals. Such measures quantify and validate injury and extends complaints and feelings to the realm of numbers that reflect diminished brain capacity.

Knowledge that chemicals are injuring brains enables one to avoid damage, minimize adverse effects and anticipate threats. Vigilance coupled to knowledge buys safety and security for one’s family. It can also spur collective action as consumers and through government to avoid harm from chemicals.


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